Discover the transformative power of Transference Healing® for holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
A Life Changing Healing Journey Awaits You
Elevate your spiritual journey, enhancing all aspects of your life through this advanced energy healing modality rooted in ancient wisdom. From the ancestral and elemental wisdom of nature to the highest frequency of cosmic light, experience the power of training in Transference Healing® Fundamentals and Advanced protocols in person with Scarab.
In-person trainings
with Scarab
Experience profound transformation through running the pure frequency of Transference Healing® for holistic well-being on yourself and your family.
Fundamentals Training
Anyone can learn to run Transference Healing®. In this comprehensive three-day Fundamental Training you will receive a profound and life-changing initiation into the Transference Healing® Diamond Pyramid of Light™, and will be energetically templated and gridded to begin running Transference Healing. You will be guided through an energetic journey.
As you learn the fundamental procedures, you will also learn how to channel Transference Healing® frequencies to support divine alchemical healing and ascension. In this training you will learn how to create alchemy in the body, supporting lightbody integration and the ascension of the physical body into the fifth dimensional Adam Kadmon body. This is the technology bestowed by Enoch.
When you commit to this self-healing journey you are taking the first step toward self-mastery. By working on yourself, you shift the frequency of your body and consciousness, while also creating change in your reality.
The fundamental procedures are the structural foundation to master as a healer. Regardless of how many higher levels of Transference Healing training you may attend, you will always run the fundamental procedures, for they create alchemy in the physical body.
Become an empowered self-healer.
Begin your self-healing and self-mastery journey.
A 318-page Fundamental Training Manual.
7 x colour Templates and Healing Record Template.
Lightbody Essence Kit containing 77 mother tincture essences in handmade box.
Lightbody Kit book, including colour images of the Lightbody Kit crystals.
Fundamental/Advanced digital download; audio recording spoken by Alexis.
Fundamental Training certificate of completion.
Upon completion of this training, you will have the knowledge & tools to run Transference Healing on friends & family. To become a certified Transference Healing Practitioner (and run this session on clients), you must complete the Advanced Training with Alexis Cartwright, either for the first time, or as a resit.
Advanced in-person trainings
with Scarab
Experience profound transformation through running the pure frequency of Transference Healing® for holistic well-being on yourself and your family.
Advanced Trainings
This two-day training initiates a radical and rapid purification process. Through it, you come identify and integrate higher initiations. This is a profound opportunity to work with ancient Mystery School teachings, while also anchoring and integrating you higher, Future Self.
In this training you will learn to work with the 22-strand DNA system, the central nervous system and the electromagnetic body.
Throughout this two-day training you are supported to master the embodiment of your Higher Self, while co-creating a reality that is of the next Golden Age.
Upon completion of this training you will have the knowledge, confidence and energetic means to run a full Transference Healing session.
Learn how to work with the DNA and reweave new, purer strands of DNA.
Learn more about the geometry of the five platonic solids and their crystal essences.
Learn procedures and crystal technology to support the anchoring and integration process of the lightbody.
Learn about the ascension process and our evolution into the Adam Kadmon body.
Step into your empowerment process with the Advanced Training.
Advanced Training Manual.
Master Christ Template Set.
5 x Platonic Solid essences.
Advanced Training certificate of completion.
Upon completion of this training, you will have the knowledge & tools to run a Transference Healing session on friends & family. To become a certified Transference Healing Practitioner (and run this session on clients), all students must resit this training with Alexis Cartwright, at a reduced price.